
  *Daniel’s pov* I tried and tried to find something worthwhile in Rose’s cabin. I didn’t find anything that seemed out of work. I don’t know if I could ever call her Aubrey. She will always be Rose for me. Rose. Delicate, gentle, and strong. I needed to know what secrets she was hiding that was troubling her. I would not think twice before taking all those horrible things away from her at any cost and hiding her safe from the entire world. She deserves calm and peace. She deserves everything. Just as I get searching the last cupboard, the shrill ring of my phone alerts me. My stomach twists when I see it’s Sophie calling. I had this weird feeling nagging at me that I pushed down not so long ago. “Is everything okay?” are the words that drop out of my mouth just as I answer the call. “Dan- Daniel, um,” she takes a breath in before continuing, “um, I think you should come here-” I end the call before she says anything more. This can’t be good. The familiar feeling ...

Smart Ways To Deal with Mean Comments!!


We all deal with Mean People and their Mean Comments. We all feel sad/angry after the comment is lashed out at us. 'HATE' contains the same number of letters as 'LOVE' but inspite that, the first word DESTROYS the World while the latter one UNITES it. I believe that there is no hate in the world, it is just the void feeling, a feeling of absence of Love. When we experience any feeling we tend to share it on to others. If we feel happy, we share happiness. If we feel anger, we share the anger. And if we feel hated we share the same...

If someone gets angry at you and you respond the same, a fight starts. If someone gives you  a mean comment and you respond with another such comment, what remains the difference between you and the other person?

Now the question arises, What if someone just shared his/her hatred with me? How am I supposed to react? Let me elucidate you about it...


Now you might be wondering why to say "Thank You" to someone who just got angry at you, gave you a mean comment? This might have obfuscated you. The reason is to show them that 'YOU ARE NOT GETTING AFFECTED BY THEIR WORDS'. Show them that you are not taking the hatred or anger they are trying to pass on to you. For an example, if someone says you are fat or skinny, tell them Thank You. Saying a mean comment regarding Your body, on your face is not okay. When you reply as said earlier they would feel ashamed, as they should.


Not reacting is probably the best thing you can do. Doing this shows that 'YOU DON"T CARE WHAT THEY SAY'. Not reacting does not only mean not reacting to their face but also not thinking about what they said. You don't need to dwell upon THEIR thoughts. I probably do this one. I simply don't react. This puts them in a condition where they are confused why is their anger or hatred not affecting you. They will get furious, but after some time, they will stop lashing out their anger at you. Not reacting does not mean that you are mad at them, it means that they are not just that important. All, just because you don't react on it. Isn't it scintillating? 


When someone passes on their hate/ mean comment on to you, they expect you to get angry or get ashamed of yourself but when you reply them with "That's great" it surely might make them confused. Saying so is a simple way to show them that you place 'Your' feelings ABOVE 'Theirs'. Like if someone says, "I don't like how you look", respond to them with "That's great". This shows how unaffected you are by them. That's great, isn't it? (Joke intented)


What is better than a charming smile? When life gives you limes, reply with smiles...! I know this line was lame but I know it made you smile.(bad joke again) So whenever someone makes you feel low about yourself, look into their eyes, give them a smile and walk out of the room if possible. Just a smile, don't say much if you feel unconfident in saying anything. And walk out, because you deserve to feel the best about yourself. Always remember that. This shows your politeness and wonderfulness. And this ultimately places you above them in people's eye.


Sometimes we are in a situation where we can't do any of the above. Don't reply anything if you can't. It is OKAY. Take a paper and a pen and jot down your thoughts. Your reaction to the hatred shared to you, what would you might have said if you were not in that situation, just write it all down. Express yourself. Write all you want, about anything. You can keep it to yourself, but writing it all down will surely make you feel better. Writing down your thoughts also have so many more benefits. It will make you feel calm and relaxed. And you deserve to feel so.

      You are Amazing. You are Valuable. You need to place yourself above all, ALWAYS. But you also need to know that some people get angry at you as a way of expressing their concern. You need to value them too.

 Keep smiling, keep loving. Let me know what would you like me to write next... 

Thank you for reading. See you on my next blog!!


  1. Very beautifully written, keep it up and all the best

  2. Great dear Ishita..keep going girl

  3. Very good Ishita very proud of you God bless you

  4. True that! Keep it upπŸ‘

  5. Great Ishita proud of you...

  6. Keep it up..πŸ‘ best wishes for next blogπŸ‘

  7. Very well wrote Ishita. Big thoughts at such a tender age....hope people continue to be calm on the one who hate or spread anger and then surely one day there shall be no HATE but only LOVE.

    1. Thank you so much!! Yes, we all wish that such day comes soon..

  8. So much optimism!! This will surely help many! Stay blessed!!!

  9. Awesome writing!! Keep it up!! πŸ‘

  10. Very nice Ishita πŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸ»

  11. Writeup is really interesting, logical and effective. Good to see you taking up such topics for blogs. Keep it up Ishita. God bless you!!

    1. Thank you so much! Please let me know what more you'd like me to write!


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