

*Daniel’s pov*

I tried and tried to find something worthwhile in Rose’s cabin. I didn’t find anything that seemed out of work.

I don’t know if I could ever call her Aubrey. She will always be Rose for me.

Rose. Delicate, gentle, and strong.

I needed to know what secrets she was hiding that was troubling her. I would not think twice before taking all those horrible things away from her at any cost and hiding her safe from the entire world. She deserves calm and peace.

She deserves everything.

Just as I get searching the last cupboard, the shrill ring of my phone alerts me. My stomach twists when I see it’s Sophie calling. I had this weird feeling nagging at me that I pushed down not so long ago.

“Is everything okay?” are the words that drop out of my mouth just as I answer the call.

“Dan- Daniel, um,” she takes a breath in before continuing, “um, I think you should come here-”

I end the call before she says anything more. This can’t be good. The familiar feeling of panic is back.

It feels like I’m stuck in limbo, there’s no way forward nor is there a way back. It feels like I just continue to exist at this moment without doing anything.

I honk twice at the driver in front of me, probably on the phone. Why can’t they just follow literally simple rules?!

I drive as fast as possible to the hospital. The rest of the world is in a blur, the world is of no value without her anyways.

I barge into Rose’s room and my eyes fall upon the doctor and nurse surrounding her. Sophie is in the corner of the room looking petrified. What the hell just happened here?

“Sophie,” I say with a dark authority over my tone that she flinches for a second before composing and walks towards me, “what happened?”

“Her heart, um, her heart rate started going crazy and I had no idea what that meant so I called the doctors and-”

She was cut off by the doctor as he said, “She’ll get stabilized in a while, we should give the patient a few minutes to calm down.”

Okay? He didn’t even completely explain what went wrong. Was he even qualified to be a doctor? I’ll seriously sue the hospital if something happens to her.

“Go,” Sophie said as she nudged her elbow and pushed me towards Rose’s bed. Ugh, how was I supposed to explain the entire ‘Aubrey’ deal to Sophie? She was the only one Rose trusted apart from me.

No, it wasn’t my secret to reveal and if anyone would know, they’d know from Rose herself.

Her heart rate was still higher than it should be. “Shh,” I said in the calmest tone possible despite the panic that was still not entirely dissolved in me, “hey calm down.”

I just want her to get healthy again and explain all this to me, I’ll lose my mind otherwise. “I’m here, you’re alright,” I say. I don’t know if I’m assuring her or myself. I gently hold her fragile hand as I calm myself.

Her heart rate just started gradually increasing again. This was not supposed to happen.

Sophie rushes to call the doctors again as I lose all my patience. No, no, no.

This can’t be happening, this can’t happen again. I lost Jess and I came out okay but I can’t lose Rose.

The doctors rush her to the ER, and it’s back like the day she was admitted to the hospital.

I hate hospitals.

So bad.

The next few hours pass in a blur. I have no recollection of how long I’ve been sitting in this god-so-awful chair outside of the room where they’re operating on Rose. I couldn’t do anything else. I couldn’t ask questions, I couldn’t think.

The sense of Deja-vu in this case is horrifying.

The doctors come out and a tired expression is pasted on his face as he says, “she came out of the coma. She is in a stable condition now”

If I could jump in the hallway and thank god for making things right, then I would. I was practically smiling so hard that my cheeks would hurt.

“Can we see her now?” I ask impatiently. Patience was never one of my virtues.

“Yeah, you can, but she’s unconscious again. She will be in and out of consciousness for a few days. Her consciousness will slowly be regained and then she’ll be awake for longer periods soon enough.”

It feels like I’m breathing after a few days today and the calm that I’ve obtained by knowing she’ll be alright is priceless.


So the last week I couldn't really post the blog, mostly because I procrastinated. Anyways, from now on the blogs will be uploaded each Thursday as usual!

Comment what you think will happen now!!


  1. What is that secret?
    Starting part 🤔


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