
  *Daniel’s pov* I tried and tried to find something worthwhile in Rose’s cabin. I didn’t find anything that seemed out of work. I don’t know if I could ever call her Aubrey. She will always be Rose for me. Rose. Delicate, gentle, and strong. I needed to know what secrets she was hiding that was troubling her. I would not think twice before taking all those horrible things away from her at any cost and hiding her safe from the entire world. She deserves calm and peace. She deserves everything. Just as I get searching the last cupboard, the shrill ring of my phone alerts me. My stomach twists when I see it’s Sophie calling. I had this weird feeling nagging at me that I pushed down not so long ago. “Is everything okay?” are the words that drop out of my mouth just as I answer the call. “Dan- Daniel, um,” she takes a breath in before continuing, “um, I think you should come here-” I end the call before she says anything more. This can’t be good. The familiar feeling ...

The Play Of Time!


 Oh, thou time,
You flow for eternity.
You are the impalpable one,
You give people their identity.

You are the affluence.
You've seen growth in our brain.
Some might have misused you,
Their waste was surely a stain.

You were here before us,
You'll be hereafter too.
Wealthy are those,
Who knows the value of you!

The importance of thee,
Shan't be lessened ever.
You will see our falls,
And would see our endeavours!

You are the storm,
In which we're all lost.
We waste you but,
You're the one which we want most!!


'Time and Tide wait for none'. This quote has so many chilhood memories etched to it. Whenever an essay or so had to be written on 'Time' this same quote was added atleast twice in it!

Nevertheless, Time has such great essence in our Life. It is the best of teachers, who teaches us so many things which we can't learn otherwise.

You know, time is the most costliest thing we can spend for someone, because even if I spent a minute talking to you, THAT minute will never EVER be replaced. The lost time will never be found again. The time you spent would never come back even in an eternity.

 It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important. Antoine de Saint

'We kill time. We save time. We rob and get robbed of time, we lose time, and we have all the time in the world. But no one of us is powerful enough to stop the march of time or slow it down.'

We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they’re called memories. Some take us forward, they’re called dreams. Jeremy Irons

Every person reaches into the future at a rate of 60 minutes an hour, whoever that person is, whatever they do. So use your time wisely, because you wouldn't want to waste the time that comes once in Forever trying to be someone else...

Also this time I've tried using some Early Mordern English words and I've given it's meanings below so check it out once, and please comment if you liked the usage of it!

Please share how you felt about it and share as much as you can!!

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Posting Blog every Thursday!

See you next thursday!! πŸ’œ

PS:- Thank You for your time! (pun intendedπŸ˜›)

Some of the Meanings are listed belowπŸ¦‹:-
Thou, Thee - You
Eternity- Infinte and endless time
Impalpable- Unable to be felt by touch
Affluence- Wealth
Endeavours- An attempt to achieve the goal


  1. Wowwww what an explanation of time I wish you rise with the time πŸ‘πŸ‘

  2. One should know the importance of the time. That you know . God bless you.

  3. Actions speak louder than words, and yours tell an incredible story. SJN

  4. Your ability to recall random factoids at just the right times is impressive.JSN

    1. Haha thank you for such a beautiful compliment!

  5. Exactly when we have known the importance of time.....there you go girl... I must say you are making a very good use out of the time that you have..... It's well said give time to someone not money because time is priceless, money will come to you but not the time you have missed... Wonderfully expressed.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    1. I am thrilled with how wonderfully you beautify my blog with your profound comments!! Thank you so much!

    2. Good things should be appreciated.... You are blessed to express your thoughts in words...which is very great thing. Your hemispheres are overloaded with positivism and I love that.

    3. Thank you so much! So glad you like it!!

  6. Beautifully expressed the importance of time!SVA

  7. Really nicely writtenπŸ‘Œ. SVA

  8. Ishita you know that Time is money. God bless you.


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