
  *Daniel’s pov* I tried and tried to find something worthwhile in Rose’s cabin. I didn’t find anything that seemed out of work. I don’t know if I could ever call her Aubrey. She will always be Rose for me. Rose. Delicate, gentle, and strong. I needed to know what secrets she was hiding that was troubling her. I would not think twice before taking all those horrible things away from her at any cost and hiding her safe from the entire world. She deserves calm and peace. She deserves everything. Just as I get searching the last cupboard, the shrill ring of my phone alerts me. My stomach twists when I see it’s Sophie calling. I had this weird feeling nagging at me that I pushed down not so long ago. “Is everything okay?” are the words that drop out of my mouth just as I answer the call. “Dan- Daniel, um,” she takes a breath in before continuing, “um, I think you should come here-” I end the call before she says anything more. This can’t be good. The familiar feeling of p

The lilac suitπŸ’œ

 Rose's point of view

I was headed to a day,
That ought to be just the same.
The filings and paperwork,
Which others might call lame.

Today I was excited,
To start a project I longed!
I saw someone new there,
Walking to the office I belonged.

Yes, he did look good.
Justifying the girls' stare.
But he did look flustered,
That, he had to bear.

I did not mind much,
But I heard someone say,
He was the billionaire's son!
Oh, it was going to be an interesting day!

Soon he was crowded,
Like bees on a hive.
Oh if I were there,
I'm sure I wouldn't be alive!

Oh he must be a prat,
An arrogant one for sure.
The son of his father,
This arrogance had no cure.

I noticed the girls,
Around him, they buzzed.
The guys were influenced too,
Oh how much they fussed!

"Just another rich guy
With no talent", I thought.
Walking up to my cabin,
Rushing through the lot.

Soon there I sat,
With him, I talked.
We joked about my lilac suit,
He was better than I thought!


Rose was on her way to her office, to begin a new project when she noticed a new face there. "He must be the architect for the new site", she thought to herself and started walking her way again.

As soon as she started going towards her cabin, she saw numerous employees staring at him. She wondered why that was when she heard someone say that he was the son of Mr Ethan Richards. Well, now she understood the stares. "Oh another arrogant prat in this office!" she thought. The last contractor was such too, and she, for the first time, got bored by her job. Anyways, if he was here for the contract then she would be treating him just like the other contractors. She was not sure if the others would treat him normally too.

While she was there thinking, a crowd was formed around the boy. She had to push herself through the crowd to get to her cabin. "Silly people really do get on my nerves", she thought.

After some time, she was called to introduce herself to the architect for the new project. She let down her tied-up hair and went towards the cabin of her boss, Gerald Smith. She saw the guy from the morning rush seated on the chair opposite Mr Gerald's. 

" Oh hello, Rose! This here is Daniel, the architect for the new site. A very talented young lad, I must say" he said. Daniel quickly got up from his chair and shook hands with Rose as she said, "Oh Hello Mr Daniel!". She thought to herself,"At least he has good manners and isn't an arrogant prat!" 

"Hello, Miss Rose, may I presume?" he said, smilingly. She nodded slightly.

"Yes. yes, This is Rose. She is the best of the best. The most workaholic person in the entire office, including me!" said Gerald chucking. Daniel also let out a laugh. Just then, someone called Gerald and so he had to go out, leaving both of them alone.

They stayed silent for a good amount of time. Rose never was one of the chit-chatters. She had even ignored him in the morning when so many people were gathered around him. Generally, people gather towards the crowd to see why it has gathered. But again, she was not like general people.

Then Daniel spoke to start a conversation, "So, you don't talk much, do you?"

"Nope, I don't," said Rose in a straight voice.

"Okayy" he said stretching the 'y', "So, I'm the professional architect for the new project, and you do all about the contracts and so, don't you? I just had a talk with Mr Gerald about it!' said Daniel.

"Yeah, that is my work" replied Rose shortly and went back to being quiet.

"Nice suit. Purple is really your colour!" said Daniel trying to converse.

"Thanks. But just so you said you are a professional, this is Lilac, not Purple" said rose in a matter-of-factly tone.

"Of course, I did know that. It's just I was seeing if you are one of those witty people, you know. They have a tendency to correct people more than they do speak." said Daniel chuckling, "Also, good thing that it made you speak more than three words!" added he gleefully. Rose let out a chuckle too. That's when, Gerald came in and after apologising for keeping them waiting too long, he let them be on their way.

After coming out of the office, Daniel turned around towards Rose and said," It was nice meeting you, and lilac really does look good on you!" he said smiling.

Rose laughed and went back to work. She felt like she really should've thought twice before wearing this suit and let out a chuckle at her thoughts...


So, finally, they both met. I had fun writing about their meet. Sorry for the blog being too long if you mind! I just kept writing, couldn't stop myself!

Looks like he isn't an arrogant prat as she thought he would be. What do you think about Rose's thoughts for Daniel? More importantly, what do you think Daniel thought of her?

Do comment down below your opinions on it!

Also, don't forget to follow my blog so you won't miss an update...
And don't forget to check out my others blogs too!!

See you next Thursday!!πŸ’•


  1. I liked the transparent nature of Rose and clear mind of Daniel! He is a noble boy though being very rich!! My interests of the story are increased very much! God bless you

  2. Daniel is a rare combination of rich and down-to-earth personality. Rose is most rare combination of feminist as well as polite and humerous.

    It's Great to meet them both. And read them meet.

    Great writing

  3. Two lovely people meeting Very nice dear πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

  4. Oh finally they meet... You have portrait suave personality of Daniel, attractive, charming, confident, aware of his moves and not drawn away to false perceptions....where Rose have voluptuous personality reflected in her lilac suit, beauty wrapped in the purity of the colour, nothing extra to show but her speech and gesture is enough to understand that she is not a woman to be carried away.... My views for what I felt about their first meeting.... I feel Daniel was quite polite with Rose on every moves just because she did not cling to him like others, Rose did like Daniel but she wants to play safe and pretend she is least bothered if he is handsome and rich. I think it's goona be more interesting next week.

    1. Such beautiful elucidation!!! You have put beautiful words together to explain the unexplained!! Soo glad that you are liking the story as it is growing!! Thank you so much for your wonderful comment!! πŸ’—

  5. Very interesting and nice story, keep it up.

    1. So glad that you are enjoying it!! Thank you!

  6. Beautiful story!

  7. This is very interesting. Keep writing Ishita! On my thoughts of Rose and Daniel, I would reserve them for now as I wouldn't want to judge only the cover. I am eager to read the book now!

    1. Thank you so much!! So glad you are enjoying it!

  8. I loved the conversation between the two. Quite interesting. Superb ❤

  9. Loved the blog!! Can't wait for more!

  10. I so want to follow you, girl. but I am dumb and can't find the option and that absolutely doesn't mean I am not following you. does it??😏😏


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