
  *Daniel’s pov* I tried and tried to find something worthwhile in Rose’s cabin. I didn’t find anything that seemed out of work. I don’t know if I could ever call her Aubrey. She will always be Rose for me. Rose. Delicate, gentle, and strong. I needed to know what secrets she was hiding that was troubling her. I would not think twice before taking all those horrible things away from her at any cost and hiding her safe from the entire world. She deserves calm and peace. She deserves everything. Just as I get searching the last cupboard, the shrill ring of my phone alerts me. My stomach twists when I see it’s Sophie calling. I had this weird feeling nagging at me that I pushed down not so long ago. “Is everything okay?” are the words that drop out of my mouth just as I answer the call. “Dan- Daniel, um,” she takes a breath in before continuing, “um, I think you should come here-” I end the call before she says anything more. This can’t be good. The familiar feeling ...

A fun day!

The day had come to an end,
Or so they thought.
The strangers were now friends,
Who survived the fraught.

They had a day so long,
But it was filled with smiles.
Car drives with fights,
And burgers and fries.

They were called to the office,
For a problem had arisen.
They rushed there,
And found many eyes in.

They weren't looking to fight,
After the day full of.
But the girls were mean,
And had to do show-off.

Rose was no saint,
To hear whatever they said.
So she replied to them in their language,
They were now surely afraid...


It was almost evening and the sun was starting to show itself in its pretty colours. Two slender figures were walking slowly in the woods. After the gruesome hours of the day, both Rose and Daniel were not in a mood to be inspecting the site and checking the contracts. They finally decided that they should head back to the office. They headed towards her car and after an hour the garage mechanics had fixed the problem.

Rose turned towards Daniel and held out her palm. Daniel did not seem to understand, so she said, "Keys"
"I'll drive better this time. I promise," he said with a smile.
"Uh-huh? Last time I told you I had no intentions of ruining my outfit and well," she paused as she looked at her suit that was crumpled and had dirt all over it. There were little stains of blood too near her collar. It must have been the blood of the robber that flew out of his nose. His glance went towards her bruised knuckles. She didn't look like she was in much pain, or if she was, she was unaffected by it or she simply was a good actor to cover it up. Either way, Daniel wasn't going to let her drive with those hands. But he didn't put the point in their argument as she would definitely drive if he said she shouldn't.

After she had given up and let Daniel drive them back, he very slowly and thoughtfully blurred words out his mouth saying," You know, you should apply a band-aid or something on your knuckles, right?"
"Nah, I'm good."
"But isn't it bruised or something?"
"Yeah, but it isn't paining!"
"Ok, ok, you win," he said lifting his hands in the air as a smile crept on his face.
"HEY! KEEP YOUR HANDS ON THE WHEEL!!" she said, practically screaming at him to which he merely chuckled. She gave out a dramatic sigh as she faced towards the window.

But something was worrying Daniel. He seemed to be the quiet one, surprisingly. Rose quickly understood that something was wrong. There is a thin line difference between being quiet and being silent.
Without glancing at him, keeping her eyes on the road, she asked him with a little concern slipping with her voice, "What's wrong?"
"Nah, it's nothing. Why?"
"Well, it's complete five minutes since you have said a word. You okay?"
"To tell you the truth, no. I am not okay," he said glancing towards her. She drew a look of concern towards him as she asked, "What happened? Are you hurt?"
"No," he replied with the corners of his mouth curving into a smile," I'm hungry." That earned him a raised eyebrow from her before she couldn't hold any longer and gave up a smile. 

The corner of her eyes crinkled and her eyes shined when she smiled. Her cheeks grew to the colour of her name and the sunlight sparkled on her smile as if it shined only for her. 

After a few seconds, she repeated her question, "What happened?"
"Oh I told you, I'm just hungry!"
"So am I. Now tell the real problem."
He gave up in defeat and said, "What if the guys were behind me? You know, might be one of Dad's enemies or something."
"They couldn't have been," she replied in a calm voice.
"How do you know?"
"First, we were in my car. They couldn't have known that you were with me. Second, you yourself had said to John that no one knows you from your face. So it is least probable that they were after you."
"Yeah, you must be right."
"I am, always," she said triumphantly.
"Can I ask you a favour?" he asked nervously.
She nodded and he continued," Please don't tell anyone what happened today. If the incident reaches my family, it would be chaotic."
"Yeah sure. But what did you think, I would go and gossip about today with Amelia?" and gave out a chuckle asked him to stop the car.
He did and she got out and came on the driver's side. Daniel came out and asked if she was okay but before she replied, she sat in the car and said, "I'm perfectly fine. I'll drive now."
"Wasn't I driving safe?"
"You were, but you do not know the best place to eat. After all, I'm hungry too!"
He gave a chuckle and sat at the other side. After few moments, they stopped at the drive-thru and grabbed their lunch, which could be even counted for dinner. Both ate their food so quickly that if they had been in a competition, they would've won a record.

Funnily enough, Rose, who was the tidiest person in the entire world, happened to be a messy eater and the corners of her mouth were ruined by the sauces filled in her burger. Daniel noticed it and had laughed at her for 5 complete minutes. He would surely have been thrown out of the car but was saved by a call. 
"It's Gerald," he said trying to contain his laughter even after receiving several glares from her.

After a few minutes of conversation on the phone, he informed Rose that there was some problem at the office and they were needed for a meeting. They rushed back to the office and went to the meeting room. It was a spacious cabin. The centre of it was filled by a large oval wooden table and chairs kept around it. Some chairs were filled out by the heads of each department. 

The second to the centre chair was occupied by Amelia. She was the head of the accounts department. The raven-haired girl was the gossip queen of the office. Blue was her statement colour. Everything she wore, from her nail paint to her heels, was blue. It was as she was dipped in an ink jar. She was talking with Claire, her blonde haired gossip partner. It was no news to anyone. Everyone knew about it and were clearly frustrated by it. But no one dared to talk to them, as Claire was the niece of the CEO of the company. She was given the post of head of the purchasing department, though the other candidates being much more deserving. She was the typical spoiled rich girl but was the only loyal follower of Amelia.

Rose and Daniel entered the room together and were looking for Gerald, who was nowhere to be seen. Seeing them come in, Amelia spoke up from her chair, "Looks like the couple has returned from their date," with a crooked smile cooking around her face.
Daniel opened his mouth to speak up but was cut off by Sophie, the head of the marketing team. The red-head was a walking dictionary and had a heart as kind as it could be. Her bravery was though, never shaded by her kindness. She always spoke up for right and wrong.
"You have a tendency to do floccinaucinihilipilification. They went for work, if you need to know," with a face full of anger.
"Which language do you speak?" Amelia asked as she glared towards Sophie, who returned the glare with a similar one.
"You would understand the language if you would've learnt ONE language completely." Her face was the shade of her hair now.

Daniel was never the one who would simply stand and watch a war brewing in front of him. So to ease the conversation, he cut Amelia and asked in a very interested tone, "What were you guys talking about earlier?"
He couldn't help but notice the quick change of expressions in Claire as she turned towards him with a wide smile and replied in her French accent, "We were talking zat we should 'o to zopping." 
Amelia came forward from her chair towards Rose and said, "We would've asked you but..." she left her sentence mid-hanging and leaving it up to them to complete the sentence for themselves.
Rose never spoke much in the office, but she was not the one to back out and listen to anyone saying something about her. She replied with a sarcastic tone, "Well, good thing you didn't ask me. But lemme tell you, if you are going shopping, please go buy yourself a personality." She walked out of the room with a very fake smile hanging on her lips. 
Daniel's attention was taken by Chris, the head of the HR department, who couldn't help but snort. He looked red as he was trying to bury his laugh, but that was of no use. He had a very bad habit of laughing at the most inappropriate of moments.

But their attention was focused outside the room as they heard a loud, "WHAT?!" from outside.

It was truly a day they wouldn't forget too soon...


Well, well, so many new additions to the story. What do you think of Amelia? Or Claire? Or Sophie? Or Chris? So many questions...

Also, what was the problem at the office? And what if Rose was wrong? The what-ifs just don't end, do they?

Please comment your opinion on them, I would love to see your point of view.

Also, don't forget to follow my blog so you won't miss an update...
And don't forget to check out my others blogs too!!

See you next Thursday!!💕


  1. Interesting....omg story is interesting

  2. Amazingly developed the characters!! Loved the French accent too!! Great writing!

  3. Oh my my... So many characters and so much of gossip.... But yes office is the place where news walk by themselves and sometimes the expressions do not match the actual news....cannot judge the other characters's too early to comment about them...but feel like each one of them will surely have good role to favourable to main character or non favourable... One thing is sure hunger makes you forget all your etiquettes.
    you have a really good control on your vocabulary.
    That was a really hard word to pronounce atleast for me... Waiting for WHAT? next week.

    1. Yes truely said. Some moments of the blog represented that at times, Rose can be normal and forget all her etiquettes. Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment!!

  4. Very nice represented. God bless you 👍

  5. Well!!
    I am trying hard to pronounce the very unusual word floccinaucinihilipilification.
    Can be used as a tongue twister.
    Coming back to the story. It seems it will last long. Many characters added in one go!! Good going✌


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