
  *Daniel’s pov* I tried and tried to find something worthwhile in Rose’s cabin. I didn’t find anything that seemed out of work. I don’t know if I could ever call her Aubrey. She will always be Rose for me. Rose. Delicate, gentle, and strong. I needed to know what secrets she was hiding that was troubling her. I would not think twice before taking all those horrible things away from her at any cost and hiding her safe from the entire world. She deserves calm and peace. She deserves everything. Just as I get searching the last cupboard, the shrill ring of my phone alerts me. My stomach twists when I see it’s Sophie calling. I had this weird feeling nagging at me that I pushed down not so long ago. “Is everything okay?” are the words that drop out of my mouth just as I answer the call. “Dan- Daniel, um,” she takes a breath in before continuing, “um, I think you should come here-” I end the call before she says anything more. This can’t be good. The familiar feeling ...

Never Ending...

A day with fights,
And notices and raid.
He wondered upon himself,
What mistake he had made?

They had to work hard,
With the speed of light.
The day was never-ending,
Though it was already night.

They finally did it,
Solved the problems life threw,
They had solved it together,
Being a team brand new!

Their day was surely not a pleasant one, though Daniel suspected that it was not going to be a better one soon. The attention of all the people sitting in the room was diverted by a loud "WHAT?!"  Neither of them dared to go out of the room, although all of them were curious what that was about.

Rose had already left the room and was with Gerald when he received a call. He was telling her about the legal notice they had received while she was gone. After studying the papers Gerald had handed over to her, she informed him that it was a notice about their newly purchased property which seemed to be illegal. It was not such a big problem until Gerald had a phone call warning him that their office was going to be raided. Being a construction firm, receiving a notice was probably common, but being raided, that took things to a whole new level. 

Rose hurried behind Gerald, who rushed towards his important employees who sat in the meeting room waiting for him. The office was pretty empty except for them, considering it was almost evening. Gerald pushed the door frantically and took a deep breath before speaking. All the set of eyes were locked at him. He was a goofy natured person, and if he was nervous and distraught, something was surely not right.

Trying to maintain a calm voice, he said, "Our office is going to be raided in an hour." The gasps and shocked faces did not help him collect his calm still he continued, now looking at Amelia, "We have recently made a huge transaction with some of the investors and... it... um... um... Can you come to my office? We should discuss it there. But.." he trailed off for a second before continuing," you all look into your department's work and see if anything is wrong and cover it up if it is! We can't have any issues here. With the last site finally opening, I don't want any problems to arise right now. Okay?" He looked at Rose and nodded his head, she understood what it meant and followed behind him and Amelia joined her too. Amelia might not be the best person, but she was the best at her job and was a professional while at work. 

There was chaos in the office. Shuffling of papers and loud noises of hitting of keys of the computers were filled in the office. They were rushing from one place to another with heaps of files in their hands. Everyone was occupied with their department and were working like lunatics. They had to complete their work of months in an hour, the rush was understandable.
Claire groaned loudly as her server was down. All of her documents had been on the server and she could not waste another moment trying to log in and join from another device. "Where ze hell is Vic  when 'ou finally need zim?"

Vikram, or as everyone called him, Vic was the head of the IT department. He didn't live up to his name. You may imagine him as a tall man with a tan complexion, but he was nothing like it. He wore his two shirts alternatively and was not so tall. But he was the kindest of souls. Even Amelia and Claire were good friends with him. But she didn't see him since yesterday when he practically slammed into her as he came out of his office with a shocked expression on his face. He had a 'normal' small talk with Claire and then had politely excused his way.

"He is on a leave!" Claire heard someone say outside. Well, now she had to do things the hard way!
An hour flew so quick that they didn't notice the clock strike 9. Suddenly the doors burst open and in came almost a team of 10 people. They barged in like they owned the place and started searching the place for illegal money and its transactions.
All the employees were made to sit in a room while they did their work. Daniel's eyes searched through the crowd for Rose. She was not with them in the room, he concluded and his eyes fell on her standing outside in the chaos. She had her back towards him but it seemed as she was talking with the leader of the raid. He had a blank expression on his face but every now and then, he nodded or spoke some unhearable words. After a very brief conversation, Rose and the man shook hands and she walked towards the room where the employees were seated.
After a long hour, they all left, unable to find anything illegal in the office. The leader apologised and said that he must have got false information.
"Uh-huh? So much work for false information?" asked Amelia after the team was gone.
"If this all meant that we had no problem, then I am the happiest person!" Gerald exclaimed behind her as he let himself sink in his chair. He disappeared during the hour they were working. He had been working, just alone from the crowd.
"Who said I'm less content?" she joked back.
Now Daniel just hoped, that the troubles for the never-ending day had at last ended and he could finally go home. If there are more troubles, he hoped, please come over tomorrow. He felt as if he could crawl on the table and sleep there if he could...
SO! A legal notice AND a raid? Wow! This day might be the longest day of this year!!
Why did these happen though? And why did the company have a huge illegal transaction? Or was it normal?

Please comment your opinion on them, I would love to see your point of view.

Also, don't forget to follow my blog so you won't miss an update...
And don't forget to check out my others blogs too!!

See you next Thursday!!💕


  1. Beautifully illustrated!! Good job!

  2. Addition of new characters is quite interesting 🤔👌

  3. The long day it was but the write up comes very unexpected....the thought never came into my mind of something like a raid in the office .... Was expecting something unusual but not a big storm... Oh but finally the day is ended. I think Rose must have spoken something really very important to the officer and I feel that the incidence with Rose and these cannot be just a coincidence. Somewhere these two things do have connections.... But WHO??? is behind all these things....these are my perspectives...let's see where the story goes....

    1. I simply adore how you always read in between the lines, the words unspoken. Thank you for your elucidating comment!!

  4. Very interesting story. God bless you👍.


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