
  *Daniel’s pov* I tried and tried to find something worthwhile in Rose’s cabin. I didn’t find anything that seemed out of work. I don’t know if I could ever call her Aubrey. She will always be Rose for me. Rose. Delicate, gentle, and strong. I needed to know what secrets she was hiding that was troubling her. I would not think twice before taking all those horrible things away from her at any cost and hiding her safe from the entire world. She deserves calm and peace. She deserves everything. Just as I get searching the last cupboard, the shrill ring of my phone alerts me. My stomach twists when I see it’s Sophie calling. I had this weird feeling nagging at me that I pushed down not so long ago. “Is everything okay?” are the words that drop out of my mouth just as I answer the call. “Dan- Daniel, um,” she takes a breath in before continuing, “um, I think you should come here-” I end the call before she says anything more. This can’t be good. The familiar feeling ...


Few days had passed since that terrible day. Daniel felt that whatever happened that day was not normal, though his definition of normal was not normal too, he felt the occurrences to be too unusual to not be related. But what increased his curiosity was the fact that after a raid at the office, Gerald didn't even take a meeting. That reminded him of the night of the raid, while everyone was working, he saw him slip out of the office. He had told them that he needed some alone time to work, but Daniel found that a bit suspicious.

Three days after the incident, Vic was back at the office. Daniel had talked with him once or twice and he found him to be quite a genuine person. He was supposed to check the database and see if there was any leaked information about the company. He was on leave so Claire thought he was unaware of the raid but when they started telling him about it, he did listen in interest but his face told off that he had not been surprised as if he knew what had happened. There was clearly no one in the office who had known about it except the heads of all departments and according to Daniel, no one of them had told him so, then how did he come to know of it? Many questions were forming in Daniel's mind and he had made sure that he would find it out. He even thought to ask Rose if she found the situation questionable, but stopped himself doing so. Though she acted very tough, he felt that something was troubling her mind.

Gerald was on leave since due to the stress at work, he had been feeling a bit off. He told them that he had decided to take a small getaway vacation with his family. With everything going on, that felt like a peaceful thing to do.

Daniel's thoughts were interrupted as he went to take his coffee and his phone buzzed. Reading the name 'Patrick' on his caller's id, grew a smile on his face. He was Daniel's oldest friend, they practically were together since their first birthdays. Since joining the office, his interactions with him were very shortened and they hadn't talked in a few days.

"HEYY! MA BOY!" screamed Patrick through the phone so loudly, that even though Daniel had kept his phone a good distance away from his ears, he could hear it as he had anticipated.
"Heyya buddy! How are you?"
"Me? It's you who hasn't called in days!"
"Yeah, sorry. Was busy with work. Tell me about you now."
"Well, I called to tell you that we are going for a vacation next week!"
"We? I can't come, dude.."
"You are so not doing that this time okay? Everyone is coming!"
"I am genuinely stuck at work. BTW, where are you guys going?"
"We had thought to go to Mauritius.."
"But there is a storm there, isn't it? So all the flights are cancelled to Mauritius," Daniel said completing his sentence.

Daniel was not aware but someone was listening to his conversation. Though he didn't mean to eavesdrop, he couldn't help it. It was Vic, who happened to take his coffee at the same time.

He walked over to Amelia and asked her if she knew where Gerald was.
"Oh, don't you know? He is on a vacation with his family..."
"In such a time of crisis?"
"Oh now, hush your voice," she said as she whispered slowly the reason for his vacation.
"Oh, so where did he go?" he asked in a very casual voice.
"They went to Mauritius. He told me about it. I think he told only me in the office."

After a long day at work, after everyone had left, Vic stayed back in his office. With luck, even Rose today left the office earlier than he thought. After checking if everyone had left, he slowly crept into Gerald's office. He heard Daniel saying that flights to Mauritius were cancelled due to a storm and he had confirmed that online. So where had Gerald gone if not Mauritius and why had he been lying about it? He walked over to his laptop to find some answers. He opened the laptop in a minute and was searching through the files when he came across his flight ticket but it did not belong to Gerald, it had a different name printed on it. Thinking that he might get more information from that ticket, he printed it out in his office. He was smart enough to know that if he printed it in Gerald's office or even the main printer, someone might come to know of it. But his thoughts were interrupted when Amelia yelled at him in a shocked tone, "What are you doing here?"


Oops! Looks like he just got caught!! Also another cliffhanger!

What do you think is happening? Don't forget to comment your thoughts upon this!

Please comment your opinion on them, I would love to see your point of view.

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See you next Thursday!!💕


  1. I am waiting to see some growth in Rose and Daniel's relation but the story has taken hairpin turns towrds the suspense....back to back there are pages of hidden secrets. There are so many questions unanswered.WHO that guy was? HOW suddenly there was raid? WHERE is Gerald? WHY he disappeared after raid? HOW Vic came to know about the raid? AND TODAY WHY Vic tracepassed Gerald's office?
    So much fishy things going around.
    Waiting to get answers for all these questions. Hoping to see a cozy meet between the lead characters.

    1. In the next blog there surely is some soft moments between the lead characters! So glad you liked the blog, thank you so much!

  2. Wonderful twists in the story! Looks like it isn't just a normal romantic tale! Good job!

  3. Nice turn watching for next turn. God bless you👍

  4. Wow wonderful twists and turns in the blog!

  5. Amazing Suspense building in the story... Keep going.


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