
  *Daniel’s pov* I tried and tried to find something worthwhile in Rose’s cabin. I didn’t find anything that seemed out of work. I don’t know if I could ever call her Aubrey. She will always be Rose for me. Rose. Delicate, gentle, and strong. I needed to know what secrets she was hiding that was troubling her. I would not think twice before taking all those horrible things away from her at any cost and hiding her safe from the entire world. She deserves calm and peace. She deserves everything. Just as I get searching the last cupboard, the shrill ring of my phone alerts me. My stomach twists when I see it’s Sophie calling. I had this weird feeling nagging at me that I pushed down not so long ago. “Is everything okay?” are the words that drop out of my mouth just as I answer the call. “Dan- Daniel, um,” she takes a breath in before continuing, “um, I think you should come here-” I end the call before she says anything more. This can’t be good. The familiar feeling ...

The serious joker


Have you ever been in a situation where you just wanted to do something but just couldn’t think of what to do? Daniel was in the same situation, just a little different. He knew that he was supposed to place ice-packs around the injured area or do something that he couldn’t recall, but right now his brain had suddenly stopped working. ‘Great job, Daniel’ he thought sarcastically. He felt like being in an exam hall where suddenly you forget all that you had thought you knew by heart. Huh, at least he was never confused about 2+2 being 4 as Polly did, but that was a completely different story.

It was then that he remembered Potato. He hurried over to Rose who was all of a sudden too calm. Then he saw that she was on a phone call talking to someone with a straight face. This made him wonder how many times she must’ve been in pain while talking over the phone with him but pretended she was not…

She mumbled something like, “The stories of Chocolates of London Are actually about Imported goods.”  He never understood what rubbish she spoke about on the phone. Well, right now she had a broken leg and instead of getting worried or dealing with it she was talking over the phone with someone about ‘Stories of Chocolates of London’?!

If he were in her place, he wouldn’t have talked about something so unimportant right now and he definitely wouldn’t have talked about it soo calmly.

After her call ended, which was actually the next minute without any goodbyes, he asked her, “Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere except your leg? ‘Cause I can see maybe a fracture around your leg…” speaking the last words very slowly and almost inaudible to Rose.

“No. I- I think I’m alright,” she said slightly wincing.

“Good,” he said and after a moment of silence continued, “Just don’t move your leg; I’ll make a quick call to Potato.”

Rose stared at him with confused expressions. “What?” he said in a frustrated way when she didn’t say anything.

“P-potato?” she asked still wondering if she had heard it wrong and let out a suppressed giggle.

Then it dawned upon him what must’ve been her thought process. Obviously, if you hear someone saying ‘I’m going to call POTATO’ one would probably think the other person was going mad.

“Oh. Yes, you heard it right. Potato is actually one of my friends since,” he paused looking up as if trying to recall, “school days. His name is David Blue, but we call him potato. Why we call him a Potato is a long story… Well, he is now a wonderful surgeon. So, I’ll give him a quick call so we would not mess up your leg and then we’ll go directly to the hospital. And please don't look at me like I'm going mad."

"Yeah, you can go mad later, now it's a little situation of emergency," she said joking.

 He searched up Potato’s number on his phone but before calling he turned back and said in a very serious tone, “Don’t move even a bit, it could do real damage to the ligament or bone or whatever it is.” He raised his eyebrows as if to warn her like a little child. To say Rose didn’t found his behaviour a little cute would be a lie.

“Potato!” he said with a very American accent mocking Potato. After a little talk from the other side, Daniel explained their situation to Potato, who grew from a funny friend to a surgeon real quick, and asked him what he should do then. Potato replied, “If you have any straight rod or something straight and strong object around you, tie it to the injured part. Carefully then, without moving the part, get to the hospital then we’ll take care of it. It must not be very dangerous so don’t hurry as that might worsen her leg, so drive slowly. I’m heading to the hospital now so I’ll be there, don’t worry.”

Daniel muttered a small ‘Thanks bud” and turned back to Rose who, to his astonishment, had already tied a wooden stick to her leg with one of her hair-ties. Her hair was now let out of the ties and was flowing around her shoulder making her look like a mess, only she could look like an adorable mess. And of course, she knew what to do!

“Can I at least ask from where you got the stick from? I thought I told you to not move your leg.” He said it with a stern expression as if the child he warned about something did that thing anyway.

“Well, if you would see around, there are a number of wooden sticks, from the tree, fallen here. I just took the one that was nearby,” shrugging her shoulders as if it was the most obvious thing to do.

“Oh, right. I forgot about that, lady Sherlock!” he muttered mocking the way she shrugged her shoulders.

“Right,” she said still laughing at him but when he didn’t move, she finally exclaimed, “What? I still need to go to the hospital, don’t I?”

“Of course, you do.”

“Then, you’ll have to pick me up, ‘cause just as you mentioned twice I can’t move!”

“So now you need my help, don’t you?” he said with a smirk.

“Yeah, well I would’ve asked the dumb biker himself, but looks like he ran away, so I don’t think I have many options right now…” she said sarcastically.

“Uh-huh,” he said scoffing as he bent down to pick her. “Just tell me if the leg hurts,” he said growing serious all of a sudden.

He slowly slid one of his hands under her legs to hold them straight and the other to support her back. He couldn’t help but think of how wonderful she smelled. She smelled of coffee and pine, and it was exactly how she was; Beautiful as the pines and just like coffee which everyone hates at first but can’t stay without it after getting used to it. Her hair tickled the sides of his face and he couldn’t help suppress a little giggle. She took notice of it and gently swept her hair out of his face. After he had gathered her in his arms, he slowly got up and with the continuous questions of “are you okay?” he went up to his car, which he was glad he decided to take today as it had a more spacious backseat, and opened the back door and gently placed her on the seat. She didn’t even let out a wince but he could see it in her eyes how much it must be hurting her. And it broke his heart.

It was going to be a long ride.


Oh how the tables have turned, the one who joked in serious situations is now serious while the one who used to be serious in funny situations is joking...

What do you think of Daniel and Rose in this chapter? And also what was your impression of Potato? Let me know about it...

Also, don't forget to follow my blog so you won't miss an update...
And don't forget to check out my other blogs too!!

See you next Thursday!!💕


  1. Wow…what a twist 🤩🤩🤩😍😍

  2. फारच सुंदर लिहिले आहे. देव तुझे भले करो.

  3. Awww....the situation has just flipped the behaviour. Daniel looks very responsive and worried about the situation...whereas Rose, though being a sufferer is quite calm. May she just don't want Daniel to get panic.... Potato is again inclusion of another character....seems to be close to Daniel. Because you always remember a person who is very close to you in emergency situation...let's see what's next.

    1. Yes wonderfully elucidated!! Rose is trying to ease the situation so that Daniel doesn't panics!

  4. I know I am late to comment these week....but cannot skip any of the blog and move ahead.

    1. So glad that you took your time to read!! Thank you!


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