
  *Daniel’s pov* I tried and tried to find something worthwhile in Rose’s cabin. I didn’t find anything that seemed out of work. I don’t know if I could ever call her Aubrey. She will always be Rose for me. Rose. Delicate, gentle, and strong. I needed to know what secrets she was hiding that was troubling her. I would not think twice before taking all those horrible things away from her at any cost and hiding her safe from the entire world. She deserves calm and peace. She deserves everything. Just as I get searching the last cupboard, the shrill ring of my phone alerts me. My stomach twists when I see it’s Sophie calling. I had this weird feeling nagging at me that I pushed down not so long ago. “Is everything okay?” are the words that drop out of my mouth just as I answer the call. “Dan- Daniel, um,” she takes a breath in before continuing, “um, I think you should come here-” I end the call before she says anything more. This can’t be good. The familiar feeling ...

Okay, I like this morning.


Piercing sunlight and the tints of glowing light around you sounds like a beautiful dream and a warm hug. But right now, Daniel doesn’t agree one bit with it. The agonizing rays of light poking the closed eyelids, more like shooting at the eyes, were definitely the worst way to wake up. No, scratch that. The worst way was waking up to the screeching alarm, which is painful.

Daniel groaned internally as he was being bullied into opening his eyes by the sunlight. ‘I hate you sunlight!’ he screamed in his mind. He opened his eyes to find clean white walls in front of him. That was when the realisation of last night dawned upon him.


Suddenly his hand felt too empty, she was not on the bed. His eyes pondered to the clock on the wall which showed it was already 10 o’clock. ‘Ugh, not again’ he thought.

He slowly stood up from the chair, which itself was too uncomfortable, and stretched his arms. His bed was far more comfortable, but holding Rose’s hand for all that was worth it all.

He went to the restroom to freshen up. Just as he came out, he was met with the gorgeous green eyes that one might get lost in looking back at him.

“Good Morning!” she said in a chirpy tone.

“Mhm, good morning it is,” he replied with his voice still sounding sleepy. His hair was messy, eyes were practically half-closed, and he reeked of the mouth freshener kept in the hospital and he really hated her seeing him like that.

“How are you feeling?” he asked stopping the train of his thoughts.

“Much better, and thanks to your friend I just had a wonderful breakfast!”

“Potato was here?” he asked back.

“Well, if you’re out of your sleepiness, I’d like to remind you that he still works here,” she said with a small dimple glinting as she spoke.

“Yes, I do,” Potato said with a laugh as he entered the room, “Good Morning, mate!” he greeted.

Daniel replied the greeting and Potato spoke, “Well, now if you want you guys can head back. It doesn’t seem like she has any other injury.”

“Wonderful! What about the medication? And what about her meals?” Daniel showered him with those questions.

“No need to worry about that. I explained everything to her when you were busy snoring,” he said with a laugh.

“I don’t snore,” Daniel injected.

“Haha, and I hate burgers,” he said with a mocking expression.

Rose giggled softly and Daniel was sure that this was the best way to start a day. 'Okay, I like this morning' he thought.

After he dropped Rose home (yes, she declined about needing any help and that Daniel needed to have some rest, and Daniel did argue on it for almost the complete ride) he went straight home and despite the laziness overcoming over him he had to complete some of his work and with a rock over his heart, he did that.

In the evening, he went over to Rose’s house to check up on her, not that he hadn’t called her twice reminding her of her medicines. They were arguing about whether she should join back soon or she should just work from home.

“…but Daniel I get bored at home,” Rose reasoned.

“But apart from that you might not have any other problems if you were at your house,” he argued back.

“All of my documents and all..”

She was interrupted as Daniel’s phone rang loudly beside him. He looked over to the caller ID and a smile plastered over his face. “It's Potato,” he told Rose.

“Hey there, Potato!” he replied into the phone.

“Uhm, I haven’t thought much about it. Not in a mood really this time,” he spoke back after a moment.

“Yeah, I know-“

“I’ll think on it. Yes, I’ll think positively, okay?” he replied on it after he was cut off a moment ago.

“Yes, I’ll tell her that. Good Night, mate!” he said with a sigh and turned back towards Rose who had a questioning look painted on her face. If they would have been in the same situation a few weeks back, she would’ve never asked about it, Daniel was happy that now she did.

“Oh, he was asking about my annual Halloween party. He thought I hadn’t invited him this time,” he said answering her unasked question.

“You have an Annual Halloween Party?” she asked curiously.

“I did, I’m not having one this year.”

“Why not? It would be fun,” she said after a moment.

“Well, the word ‘fun’ is currently moving out of my dictionary.”

“That’s more reason to have the party!”

“You wouldn’t even be able to come.”

“Yes, of course, I wouldn’t be able to come…” she said and Daniel raised his eyebrows to prove his point, “…if you don’t invite me,” she continued with a smug grin on her face.

“So if I invite you, will you come?” he asked in an excited tone.

“No reason to not do so,” she replied casually shrugging her shoulders.

“Then, good night, eat your medicines and call Gerald that you aren’t coming to the office tomorrow,” he said standing up from the couch.

“Sorry, what?” she asked confusingly.

“Well, let me rush, I’ve got a party to plan, don’t I?” he replied walking out of her door with a smile.

The next day, Rose was actually not seen there. Daniel flashed a content smile and was walking with his eyes glued at his phone that was dialling Rose’s number (no, he had definitely not memorised it) and suddenly was bumped into something. When he looked up, it was a man with platinum blonde hair and piercing hazel eyes. Daniel would be lying if he said that that man didn’t look like an actor from some film.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going,” Daniel apologised quickly.

“No, it’s completely alright,” he said with a smile, it was a scary smile, to be honest, “I have joined just today, nice to meet you.”

“Oh, nice to meet you too. I’m Daniel,” he said while extending his arm. The blond man took the arm and swiftly shook it and replied with, “Simon.”

With a nod, they both went back to their ways and Daniel hadn’t noticed the call to be placed until he heard Rose’s voice from the phone saying, “Simon?!”


Terribly sorry for not updating, I guess 'I had exams' counts as a valid excuse?

Anyways, how was today's blog? How do you feel about Simon? Let me know in the comments...

Also, don't forget to follow my blog so you won't miss an update...
And don't forget to check out my other blogs too!!

See you next Thursday!!💕


  1. Oh absolutely itsnfine for not posting.....well well well nights are cozy and days are becoming naughty....but I am afraid that Rose is taking Daniel just as a good friend... Hope these Simon is not someone in direct relations with Rose, you know like a bestie or well wisher or her EX.. .might be Daniel has now a competitor, so there are opportunities for him to show a better side of him....well these are my perspectives from today's blog. But I must say Girl you have swirl in your where we started the story and where we are going...time to time there is inclusion of a new character which just keeps your mind engaged in thinking about what's next... Well waiting for Thursday.

    1. Let's hope that Simon isn't who we're thinking he might be... But from Rose's reaction he surely is someone... Thank you sooo much for your warm appreciation! You make me want to keep writing every week!!


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