
  *Daniel’s pov* I tried and tried to find something worthwhile in Rose’s cabin. I didn’t find anything that seemed out of work. I don’t know if I could ever call her Aubrey. She will always be Rose for me. Rose. Delicate, gentle, and strong. I needed to know what secrets she was hiding that was troubling her. I would not think twice before taking all those horrible things away from her at any cost and hiding her safe from the entire world. She deserves calm and peace. She deserves everything. Just as I get searching the last cupboard, the shrill ring of my phone alerts me. My stomach twists when I see it’s Sophie calling. I had this weird feeling nagging at me that I pushed down not so long ago. “Is everything okay?” are the words that drop out of my mouth just as I answer the call. “Dan- Daniel, um,” she takes a breath in before continuing, “um, I think you should come here-” I end the call before she says anything more. This can’t be good. The familiar feeling ...

Too many 'thank-you's

 The smells of the hospital reached back to Daniel as he went inside the hospital after placing the order for their burgers. The network inside was so bad that he not only couldn’t place the order, but the application for the online delivery was also not loading.

Hospitals have those different vibes going around. Someone is celebrating the birth of a newborn while someone is whining from the pain. Daniel never liked hospitals, in fact, he had been scared of stepping foot in the hospitals since ‘that day. Not that, his mind screamed back at him.

When he reached back to Rose’s bed, she was not there. He goes over to the bathroom but the door is wide open, obviously stating that she was not there. ‘Wow, I leave for five minutes and she is already wandering in the hospital.’

A little walk around the corridor and he found her standing near the window with her plastered leg hanging in the air while she supported herself with the wall. Her back faced him and her hair, still loose, swayed gently from the wind coming from the window. She seemed to be talking to someone over the phone.

“Stop staring, it’s creepy,” she said as she turned from the window slowly hopping on her better leg.

“I wasn’t staring.”

“Whatever makes you sleep at night,” she joked as she let out a small laugh.

Daniel rolled his eyes and said, “So, mind telling why you are wandering off in the corridors?”


Daniel looked back at her with confusion but got the idea that she was joking when he saw the little smirk on her face that she was trying to hide but her dimples had betrayed her.

“…or I’ll tell you another joke,” he continued.

“No!” she exclaimed and continued, “You know how horrible the network is here, so was just searching for it.”

“O-okay, so wanna head back?” he asked gesturing for her to move back to her bed.

“Let’s rather sit here? The night sky is fascinating.”

Daniel gave out a little laugh and said, “Alright,” and led them towards the chairs kept nearby. Comfortable silence is quite beautiful. Just the idea that you don’t have to communicate continuously to enjoy each-others presence is mesmerizing. They both, though Daniel was the chatter, enjoyed the silence until Daniel’s phone popped due to some notification.

“It’s our food. It’ll be here in ten minutes now. Let’s head back, shall we?” he said after checking his phone.

“Legs go,” she said smirking showcasing a huge dimple on her face.

Daniel scoffed as he said, “Someone was saying no to cheesy puns earlier. This was worse than mine.” He held her hand and let it around his shoulder, while slowly sliding his hand around her back giving her the support to walk. Rose knew she could’ve walked back alone but she didn’t mind the help. Her hair poking him back in the face and she laughed as she pulled them aside.

“Well, your puns are quite standard,” she joked back nearly in a whisper with their close proximity.

“As if that deserved standing ovation!” he scoffed back helping her as she hopped slowly on one leg.

“Are you serious!?” she said shaking her head.

“No, I thought you know I am Daniel,” he said mocking her.

“Soo original,” she said sarcastically as she sat back on her bed.

After eating their food with Potato and he left them bidding good night and the joke of ‘You can now say you had your dinner with Potato’. Daniel spoke up after a while of him surfing on his phone while she read some magazines kept nearby, “Should I call someone for your clothes and stuff?”

“Oh no need, I called Sophia earlier and told her about it. She will be here soon bringing stuff.”

And as if on cue, Sophia entered the room with some bags in her hand.

“We were just talking about you,” said Daniel giving her a smile which she returned gleefully.

“Hope all things good,” she said as she walked over to Rose asking if she was alright and handing her the bags.

 Daniel moved out of the room to give them privacy and plopped onto the chairs kept near the waiting area. After some time, Sophia came out of the room and gestured for him to go in. He gave her a thankful smile as she went towards the elevator.

“She went home?” he asked as he re-entered the room and saw her changed into a baggy plain white t-shirt and grey sweatpants.

“Yeah, her roommates might worry. They were out and she hadn’t informed them. She insisted to stay but I sent her home,” she replied.

“Are you feeling okay now?” he asked with complete seriousness.

“Yeah, I have been for a while now.”

“You sure? You just say if you aren’t feeling alright.”

She gave him a sweet smile as she said, “I wasn’t going to tell you but...”

“Are you okay? Is the leg still hurting?” he asked breaking her sentence tension laced in his voice.

“No. Let me compete first!” she scoffed and as he apologised she continued, “I wasn’t going to tell you but this is not the first time I’ve broken a bone.”

“Oh? Okay,” he muttered as he sat on the couch next to the bed in the room. “You should sleep now, it’s almost midnight now,” he muttered.

She nodded but turned back to him and asked, “You’re not going home?”

“Oh how could I ever miss the chance to be in this wonderful place!” he said sarcastically as she let out a laugh and continued, “No, seriously you should go home.”

“Nah, don’t worry. I convinced you to be here under observation. It’s only fair if I stay here too,” he replied casually and after a moment continued, “only if you are okay with it.”

“No, I don’t mind,” she said after a moment of thought.

After she lay in her bed and Daniel had set up the couch, she spoke up, “Hey, Dan.”

“Yeah?” he looked up from setting up the pillows.

“Thank you for today,” she said with a thankful smile. The dimple flashing beautifully on her face and her hair tied up in a weird bun, only made her look prettier if that was possible.

“You are thanking me?” he scoffed as he walked over to the stool beside her bed and held her hand and said with guilt flashing in his eyes, “I should thank you. You wouldn’t even be here if you hadn’t taken me to that damn fair!”

“Hey, hey, don’t curse the fair. I enjoyed it there!” she said raising her free hand in the air and continued, “If I had to break my leg, I would’ve done it either way. So in all seriousness, thank you for the help.”

“And I am thanking you back for taking my mind off from the morning,” he said with honesty in his eyes, something that is so rare nowadays.

“That’s too many ‘thank-you’s,” she said joking in a slow voice as she closed her eyes, the medicine finally hitting in. He sat there for a moment until he knew she was asleep as to not break her sleep, and as he tried to stand up her hand still entwined in his, held him back.


On that note, a massive thank you to all the wonderful people reading this!! You all make my day!

So, how was this blog? We saw quite a few cute moments today!

Also, don't forget to follow my blog so you won't miss an update...
And don't forget to check out my other blogs too!!

See you next Thursday!!💕


  1. Minute observations ....excellent write up...enjoyed it

  2. Writing is just I am watching movie online.God bless you.

  3. Finally Rose is coming close to Dan... Yes DAN, that is what she said instead of Daniel.... people come close to each other and start caring about their needs, likes, dislikes.....and they never realise that the gap between them is covered up by jokes and understanding without talks..... Thank you was just a gesture to make each other comfortable....that word meant a lots which was still hidden.

    1. Yes, what you said is exactly what I hoped it would show! Those 'thank-you's really meant a lot under the mask..! Thank you for your brilliant observation!!


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