
  *Daniel’s pov* I tried and tried to find something worthwhile in Rose’s cabin. I didn’t find anything that seemed out of work. I don’t know if I could ever call her Aubrey. She will always be Rose for me. Rose. Delicate, gentle, and strong. I needed to know what secrets she was hiding that was troubling her. I would not think twice before taking all those horrible things away from her at any cost and hiding her safe from the entire world. She deserves calm and peace. She deserves everything. Just as I get searching the last cupboard, the shrill ring of my phone alerts me. My stomach twists when I see it’s Sophie calling. I had this weird feeling nagging at me that I pushed down not so long ago. “Is everything okay?” are the words that drop out of my mouth just as I answer the call. “Dan- Daniel, um,” she takes a breath in before continuing, “um, I think you should come here-” I end the call before she says anything more. This can’t be good. The familiar feeling ...

A Greek Goddess


Have you ever been in a situation where your heart wants you to do something but your brain tells you the logical reason not to do so? Like you are on a diet yet you crave ice-cream. Daniel felt somewhat similar right now. Rose had not been to the office for a couple of days and even though she never was the one to be seen all the time, he missed her presence and he would definitely not admit it if you’d ask him.

He called her twice each day with the same question of ‘How are you today?’ and every single time she had replied with ‘Better than the last time you called.’ Daniel’s Halloween party was now a day later and currently, he was on his way to Rose’s house. It had been four days since he had seen her, it surely had felt longer.

After some small talk, they were now talking about the things happening in the office. Well, he was talking and she was just listening.

“…Sean had been pretty mad about it,” he said while she nodded in response telling him to continue.

“So, that’s all about the office. Now, before I forget, you are coming to my party, right?” he asked.

“Nope,” she shrugged casually.

“Hey! You told me that you were going to!”

“I said I would if you’d invite me,” she said with a small smirk appearing on her face. Daniel seemed to know what she was doing. He decided to continue the joke a bit.

“Oh, did you say so? My bad, guess we’d have to enjoy the party without you,” he scrunched up his nose with an innocent expression on his face.

“Oi!” she exclaimed and both let out a loud laugh.

“No but seriously, you are coming to the party though, right?” Daniel asked again to confirm.

“No-” she started only to be interrupted by Daniel.

“Yeah yeah, I hereby officially invite you to my Annual Halloween Party,” he said in a chivalrous tone setting Rose into a fit of giggles. Her giggles were definitely Daniel’s new favourite sound, and it wasn’t going to change anytime soon now.

“Haha, why thank you Mr Richards for inviting the fair maiden to ye ball,” she replied with a beautiful smile plastered on her face. He let out a laugh how they both were so childish at the same time.

“So who all are coming?” she asked.

“Um, you know, most of my childhood friends, some of my cousins, ex-collegues etcetera,” he said casually plopping his legs over the couch with his ankles resting over the armrest, “and you.”

“And me,” she repeated with an affirmative smile, “Are you inviting the office staff as well?” she asked.

“I don’t know, I was thinking to do so, do you not want me to?”

“No, I was rather going to tell you to do so. So that way I’d know atleast someone else apart from you at the party.”

“You know Potato.”

“Mhm, but you know what I mean,” she said letting out a yawn.

Daniel took that as his cue to leave. The next day he had invited everyone at the party including Simon who he found to be a good person; intimidating but good.

The day of the party came soon. Daniel was dressed as a vampire with his hair slicked back and red blood dripping from his lips. With another glance at the mirror, he left to pick up Rose. She had insisted that she’d take a cab but Daniel had, at last, made her agree to let him pick and drop her.

Just as he parked his car around her house, he went to ring her bell and before he even did that the door opened. She was wearing a long white dress with flowers on it. Her hair curled a little, unevenly so, he could tell she had done her hair herself. She had worn an eye mask, matching with her dress, so her face wasn’t quite visible but her pretty green eyes looking back at him were the prettiest thing ever. She looked like a princess. Scratch that, she looked like a Queen. When she waved her hand in front of him that was when he remembered that he hadn’t said a word since he had arrived.

“Sorry wow! You, um- you look- you look wonderful!” he said stammering.

“Oh thank you! You look okay” she said with a smile.

“Hey!” he whined.

“Just kidding, just kidding. You look wonderful too!” she said as a dimple grew on her cheek. Could she look any more prettier?

“What are you dressed as?” Daniel asked. She replied with the name of some Greek goddess that Daniel didn’t pay attention to. Of course, she was a Goddess!

“And you are…? A vampire?” she guessed.

“Yep, that’s right,” he couldn’t help but smile.

“Shall we?” she said hopping on her better leg.

“We shall,” he said giving her his hand while supporting her to walk.

This was gonna be the best party he had ever thrown, he couldn’t wait for it.


  1. Rose is creating some importance now... that's nice....those cheesy tlaks are really wonder...but but but they also diverts attention towards that new addition SIMON. Lije may be she wants to get along with Simon so she wanted Daniel to invite office staff also...????? May be, well Daniel is in the clouds now because his princess shall be stepping in his house as Goddess...hope there won't be any hard time for Daniel in the to wait to know that.

    1. Too late to reply but guess you were right as always... What must be her deal with Simon? Thank you for your wonderful comment and your interpretation as always..

  2. Nice blog. Wonderful writing. God bless you


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