
  *Daniel’s pov* I tried and tried to find something worthwhile in Rose’s cabin. I didn’t find anything that seemed out of work. I don’t know if I could ever call her Aubrey. She will always be Rose for me. Rose. Delicate, gentle, and strong. I needed to know what secrets she was hiding that was troubling her. I would not think twice before taking all those horrible things away from her at any cost and hiding her safe from the entire world. She deserves calm and peace. She deserves everything. Just as I get searching the last cupboard, the shrill ring of my phone alerts me. My stomach twists when I see it’s Sophie calling. I had this weird feeling nagging at me that I pushed down not so long ago. “Is everything okay?” are the words that drop out of my mouth just as I answer the call. “Dan- Daniel, um,” she takes a breath in before continuing, “um, I think you should come here-” I end the call before she says anything more. This can’t be good. The familiar feeling ...

The revelation

 Today had been particularly tough for Daniel. The news of Rose being in a coma brought back the memories that he had tried to bury deep into the dwells of his mind. The déjà vu was so strong that it was hard for him to stay in the grip of reality.

We all have memories attached to places. When we visit a place with someone, the trip stays etched to the core parts of our memory. And when we go to that place the next time those memories come back alive in our mind. Some detail stays in our subconscious that we don’t completely remember, our brain attaches the memory with our present. That is the true sense of déjà vu.

Going to Rose’s house wasn’t about a place, it was a memory to bask in her presence. The burgers and the fights, the movie night on the couch, the updates from the office when she wasn’t coming; all these moments seemed like a fever dream now.

It’s funny that even if those days were just around the corner, in this moment they felt like from ages ago.

She is in that condition due to you.

The thought never leaving his subconscious. The past always meddling with the present.

Just as he turned his car around the corner of her house to park, the reality felt setting in to him. He couldn’t ring the bell this time and neither was there Rose waiting there for him. She was in the hospital, in coma.

The door looked like it was locked in a rush. She was surely in a hurry that day, she wanted to leave the letter before Daniel could reach the office. This brought a frown to his face, the fact that the letter wasn’t some kind of sick prank now being proven.

Just as he unlocked the door, the vision in front of him being sickening. The very neatly maintained plant pots were turned upside down. The perfectly arranged books in the bookshelf were thrown out and laid wide open on the floor. The couch pillows were on the floor and the sides of the couch were torn open.

Someone broke into the house.

Despite of being completely concerned about it he felt a selfish comfort in his heart knowing that Rose wasn’t here when the robbers broke in, they seemed pretty dangerous from the scene in front of him.

Her suitcase that she must’ve packed laid open with all the things spread around the room and the bottoms of the suitcase were cut open.

He looked around the house and something felt fishy to him. This couldn’t be a normal burglary, nothing valuable seemed stolen.

What was it? If someone broke in, why didn’t they steal anything? Were they looking for something specific?

With a thousand questions and a worried mind he called the police about the situation. While they were on the way, to calm his nerves he decided to grab a glass of water. This entire thing was making him lose his mind. He just wanted a day of peace where he could watch a movie with Rose while eating a pizza.

He wanted to know all about her; know about all her little habits that she wasn’t even aware of. How she always fiddled with her rings when she was anxious but wouldn’t let anyone know about it, how she would messily eat the burgers, how she would always form a frown on her face when she was trying to find a solution to a problem. He wanted to know about them and he wanted her to know about him.

He wanted to know why he doesn’t work with his father. He wanted her to know that he used to spend his free days in an animal rescue shelter. He wanted her to know everything that he had kept hidden from the world. Hell, he even wanted her to know about Jess, he could tell her, he could tell her everything.

He just wanted her to be alright, just that.

And just as he held onto the latch beside the glass stand, something moved and within a second the small piece of background wall opened.

This felt like a moment right out of those spy movies that he was obsessed during his teen years.

When he let his hand inside the box that was open, he found a pendrive. Just one pendrive and nothing else…


So that happened...

What do you think is happening now? Why is it happening? Is Rose's accident related to this? 


  1. Things are going so messy....Rose is surely a was a planned accident...she knows some secrets that's why the incidents are not stopped yet. I feel coma is also a part of drama...may be to save her from suspicious danger...I wish Daniel gets some clues and get all things well.


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